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File List  |  1994-05-16  |  36.3 KB  |  466 lines

  1.  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2.  │                       18 - Communications Programs                        │
  3.  └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  5. 0141TER1.ZIP   557083  02-10-94  TERMINATE 1.41:  On-line help for            
  6.                                | novices but with all the flexibility         
  7.                                | experts require.  Fax and Network            
  8.                                | support.  CD Audio Player, complete          
  9.                                | Point system, Cost Manager, VISIBLE FAST     
  10.                                | mousing.  IEMSI and auto-logins.  A          
  11.                                | superb file manager.  FREQ tag.              
  12.                                | Translatekbd-editor.  (1 of 2)               
  13. 0141TER2.ZIP   411321  02-19-94  TERMINATE 1.41:  On-line help for            
  14.                                | novices but with all the flexibility         
  15.                                | experts require.  Fax and Network            
  16.                                | support.  CD Audio Player, complete          
  17.                                | Point system, Cost Manager, VISIBLE FAST     
  18.                                | mousing.  IEMSI and auto-logins.  A          
  19.                                | superb file manager.  FREQ tag.              
  20.                                | Translatekbd-editor.  (2 of 2)               
  21. 014TER_A.ZIP   494242  02-01-94  TERMINATE 1.4  The Final Datacomms           
  22.                                | Terminal!  On-line help for novices but      
  23.                                | with all the flexibility experts             
  24.                                | require.  Fax & Network support.  CD         
  25.                                | Audio Player, complete Point system,         
  26.                                | Cost Manager, VISIBLE FAST (tm) mousing.     
  27.                                | IEMSI and auto-logins.  A superb file        
  28.                                | manager:  FREQ tag.  Translate               
  29.                                | keyboard-editor.  (1 of 2).                  
  30. 014TER_B.ZIP   407191  02-10-94  TERMINATE 1.4  The Final Datacomms           
  31.                                | Terminal!  Improved OS/2 time slices and     
  32.                                | Digicom, ISDN, Fossil, supports up to        
  33.                                | 115,200bps.  (2 of 2).                       
  34. 1_COMM.ZIP     326101  02-24-94  1$COMM 1.0:  Complete communications         
  35.                                | package, featuring a No emulation full       
  36.                                | color capture of entire last online          
  37.                                | session.  One button setup.  RIP code        
  38.                                | capture.  XYZModem internal, all             
  39.                                | externals supported.  Editor with auto-      
  40.                                | upload, Macros, D/D holds 32k.  Req:         
  41.                                | 286/VGA/HD/Mouse.  Optional Full             
  42.                                | documentation and help.                      
  43. ADDQWK20.ZIP    56725  02-01-94  Add Those QWK 2.0:  DDQWK is a simple        
  44.                                | program to merge several QWK mail            
  45.                                | packets.  It can Name the resulting          
  46.                                | packet by date or counter, Sort by           
  47.                                | subject, You can have up to 5 names/         
  48.                                | alias, Work with more than one packets       
  49.                                | (useful for sorting), Delete packets         
  50.                                | after merging, and determine the minimal     
  51.                                | disk space to work.  Can handle:             
  52.                                | RJ/LHA/ZIP.                                  
  53. AEDIT100.ZIP    95564  03-08-94  Excellent editor for AEdit 1.00 offline      
  54.                                | mail readers.                                
  55. AOLCHK.ZIP      19321  02-05-94  AOLCHK:  Contains software to log and        
  56.                                | report use of any system, but especially     
  57.                                | online hourly charge systems.  It helps      
  58.                                | you track and control expense, and to        
  59.                                | verify or dispute your online service        
  60.                                | billing.  It prints a detail report with     
  61.                                | totals and displays the totals at any        
  62.                                | time.  User should have a VGA and            
  63.                                | printer.                                     
  64. AOLTIME1.ZIP    20669  02-14-94  Keeps a running total of your connect        
  65.                                | time on America Online without having to     
  66.                                | use the GOTO BILLING option.  Installs       
  67.                                | neatly over the AOL toolbar.                 
  68. BBS120.ZIP     147255  02-14-94  BBS 1.20:  Communications program for        
  69.                                | calling BBSs and uploading & downloading     
  70.                                | files.  Protocols included are ASCII,        
  71.                                | Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem,              
  72.                                | Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G.  It can       
  73.                                | capture screens to file and will record      
  74.                                | the time and length of each call.  BBS       
  75.                                | now allows a modem initialization string     
  76.                                | and all screen colors can be changed &       
  77.                                | saved.                                       
  78. BCOM09CB.ZIP    98595  01-20-94  BananaCom 0.9Cß:  Communications             
  79.                                | Package for Novices.  Does not require       
  80.                                | you to specify parity, data/stop bits,       
  81.                                | echo, duplex, terminal emulation, flow       
  82.                                | control, etc.  Provides you with             
  83.                                | ZModem/ANSI.                                 
  84. BCOM10.ZIP      96087  02-05-94  BananaCom:  Simple communications            
  85.                                | program.                                     
  86. BEEPJR.ZIP      65354  02-12-94  The Beepster Junior.  A small program        
  87.                                | which can send messages to tone only,        
  88.                                | digital and alpha pagers from nearly any     
  89.                                | standard PC compatible computer              
  90.                                | equipped with a serial baud modem.           
  91. BGI13.ZIP       96625  02-06-94  The Beginner's Guide to the Internet:        
  92.                                | full-color, computer-based tutorial          
  93.                                | about the Internet.  It is complete,         
  94.                                | covering e-mail, ftp, telnet, gopher,        
  95.                                | WAIS, WWW, USENET newsgroups, BITNET         
  96.                                | listservs, and IRC.  Computer-based          
  97.                                | tutorial that gives you step-by-step         
  98.                                | instructions on how to do almost             
  99.                                | anything on the Internet.                    
  100. BOYAN51A.ZIP   192726  02-12-94  BOYAN Communications 5.1:  Macro langu-      
  101.                                | age, script learn, multi phone files,        
  102.                                | host mode, scroll-back, keyboard macros,     
  103.                                | point & shoot file manager with batch        
  104.                                | transfer support, mouse support.  Sup-       
  105.                                | ports 10 external protocols, configured      
  106.                                | for Zmodem and HSLink, supports 300-115K     
  107.                                | baud, and is easy to learn.  (1 of 2)        
  108. BWDEV201.ZIP    40472  02-05-94  BlueWave 2.01, packet specifications.        
  109.                                | Bugfixes, more info.                         
  110. CATCIS14.ZIP   171530  02-25-94  CatCIS 1.4:  Windows program to be used      
  111.                                | with TAPCIS catalog files containing         
  112.                                | Data Library Catalogs from CompuServe's      
  113.                                | forums.  Provides a convenient way to        
  114.                                | view catalog items and  write download       
  115.                                | scripts for TAPCIS.  Also provides for       
  116.                                | pruning catalog items from a catalog         
  117.                                | file enabling you to reduce the size of      
  118.                                | your catalog files by removing unwanted      
  119.                                | catalog item descriptions and more.          
  120. CISBL211.ZIP    40476  02-10-94  CIS Billing Tracker - JNGoodale  <ASP>       
  121.                                | Off-line CompuServe billing organizer.       
  122.                                | Will gather weekly and daily billing         
  123.                                | from captured billing information,           
  124.                                | maintain yearly file.  Provides              
  125.                                | formatted report on screen, file, or         
  126.                                | printer.                                     
  127. CISSETUP.ZIP     7288  02-16-94  QMPRO script sets the TERMINAL functions     
  128.                                | within CompuServe to work with the           
  129.                                | QMGATE mail program supplied with QMPRO.     
  130.                                | Comments have been added to the original     
  131.                                | CISSETUP.SCR as supplied by Mustang          
  132.                                | Software, INC.  The comments where added     
  133.                                | for reference and to have a reference in     
  134.                                | case the CI$ settings get changed.           
  135. COMMO552.ZIP   173475  02-23-94  {COMMO} 5.52  (maintenance release).         
  136.                                | High-performance communications program.     
  137.                                | Designed for people who like to custom-      
  138.                                | ize and automate their online sessions.      
  139.                                | The macro language is unusually complete     
  140.                                | and flexible.  This program is small,        
  141.                                | fast, reliable and has features of           
  142.                                | programs many times its size.                
  143. CU_210.ZIP     448754  02-11-94  COMMUNIQUE 2.10:  Terminal program.          
  144.                                | This new release now supports the HYDRA      
  145.                                | BI-DIRECTIONAL file transfer protocol!       
  146.                                | Communique also boasts IEMSI, AVATAR,        
  147.                                | ANSI, File Manager, File Tagging,            
  148.                                | ZIP/LZH/ARJ support, GIF support,            
  149.                                | infinite dialing directorys, phone dir       
  150.                                | import from other software, IEMSI File       
  151.                                | Request, all Multi-tasker support, and       
  152.                                | more.                                        
  153. DBGEDIT1.ZIP    21261  03-07-94  DEBUG Script File Editor 1.0:  Little        
  154.                                | utility that'll make it easier to enter      
  155.                                | DEBUG scripts from printed listings.         
  156. DSZ0127.ZIP     86617  02-03-94  Forsberg's DSZ File Transfer Protocol        
  157.                                | Package                                      
  158. DSZ0127X.ZIP    38833  02-01-94  01/27/94 (EXE) Zmodem from Omen Tech         
  159. EXCALWAV.ZIP   106799  02-24-94  This is an add-on of .WAV files to the       
  160.                                | EXCALTRM.ZIP file, which is a Windows        
  161.                                | interface for BBS's using the Excalibur      
  162.                                | system.  This file then adds sound to an     
  163.                                | already deluxe Windows setup.                
  164. EZPKT_17.ZIP    62278  03-07-94  EZ Packet 1.17:  Term program for PMP        
  165.                                | modems.                                      
  166. FASTFAX3.ZIP    34538  02-19-94  FAstFax 3.0 for WinFax PRO 3 & WinWord       
  167.                                | 6.  FAstFax scans your document, finds       
  168.                                | the recipient's name and fax number, and     
  169.                                | (using DDE) automatically passes this        
  170.                                | information over to WinFax PRO--so you       
  171.                                | no longer have to enter and maintain TWO     
  172.                                | separate phonebooks.  FAstFax auto-          
  173.                                | matically sets the fax driver and resets     
  174.                                | the printer driver.  With Thumbnail Page     
  175.                                | Preview & Automatic Page Range Settings.     
  176. GSZ0127.ZIP    107534  02-19-94  01/27/94 Graphical Zmodem from Omen          
  177.                                | Tech                                         
  178. HOST313A.ZIP   162042  02-12-94  Newest host program for VGA planets.         
  179. IAB110B3.ZIP    27825  02-07-94  Internet Address Book 1.10B:  Beta.          
  180. ICOMB3U.ZIP    501130  03-04-94  Intellicomm 2.01:  UPGRADE.  If you have     
  181.                                | ICOMB3-U.ZIP or ICOM1224.ZIP, please         
  182.                                | download and install this update. The        
  183.                                | ICOM.EXE included in ICOMB3-U.ZIP and        
  184.                                | ICOM1224.ZIP was not the proper 2.01         
  185.                                | EXE.                                         
  186. KJ_TAGS.ZIP     13085  02-20-94  Collection of about 500 taglines in          
  187.                                | ASCII format.                                
  188. KNWTRU.ZIP      65607  02-26-94  Contains information about the Kermit        
  189.                                | transfer protocal and comparisons            
  190.                                | between it and the more standard formats     
  191.                                | (X-Modem, Y-Modem, and Z_Modem).             
  192.                                | Contains comparisons in both pro and         
  193.                                | against Kermit stance.                       
  194. LHL23US.ZIP    233213  02-04-94  LHL:  A full color offline mail reader.      
  195.                                | 100% compatible QWK and BlueWave, multi-     
  196.                                | lingual, easy installation, full mouse       
  197.                                | support, and intuitive.                      
  198. LO_RATES.ZIP    12634  02-01-94  Tired of the high cost of long distance?     
  199.                                | Now you can connect to MicroSellar 24        
  200.                                | hours a day/7 days a week for $4.00 an       
  201.                                | hour!                                        
  202. MAXIFTP.ZIP     25030  02-03-94  MaxiFTP:  Alternate interface to the         
  203.                                | Internet File Transfer Protocol.  The        
  204.                                | program allows a user to transfer files      
  205.                                | to and from a remote network site.  This     
  206.                                | program offers features that are not         
  207.                                | found in the standard FTP.                   
  208. MDIC200.ZIP     54012  03-11-94  The Modem Dictionary 2.00.  Freeware. A      
  209.                                | must for anyone using a modem.  It           
  210.                                | contains easy-to-understand definitions      
  211.                                | of over 730 words that come up when          
  212.                                | using modems and BBS's.  Helpful for         
  213.                                | both the beginner and expert.  No need       
  214.                                | to try to figure out the jargon anymore!     
  215. MESSM20.ZIP     74280  03-13-94  MESSAGE MACHINE 2.0  Replace those old       
  216.                                | "WHO CALLED" or "WHILE YOU WERE OUT"         
  217.                                | message pads.  Small, Fast, and Easy!        
  218.                                | Sorts Messages by User Name, checks for      
  219.                                | new messages and lets you search for old     
  220.                                | messages.  Will even Dial the Phone for      
  221.                                | you!!  Great for home or office!  Now        
  222.                                | includes a Phone Book with dialer!           
  223.                                | OzWare.                                      
  224. MMAYL10.ZIP    171767  03-11-94  MikeMayl 1.0  Free QWK mail packet           
  225.                                | reader.  Has all the features of the big     
  226.                                | boys and then some.  Twit filter, send/      
  227.                                | receive files, steal taglines, search,       
  228.                                | mouse-aware, fully configurable, auto-       
  229.                                | POSTLINK routing, very fast, small, uses     
  230.                                | archiver of your choice and best of all      
  231.                                | it's free!                                   
  232. MOT241.ZIP     213533  02-06-94  Latest Update to Mouse Terminal:  Fully      
  233.                                | mouse driven Terminal package That uses      
  234.                                | Zmodem GSZ.  Can be used to click on         
  235.                                | their Menu screens.  Upload files just       
  236.                                | by clicking on them from any drive in        
  237.                                | your system.  Also has built in Online       
  238.                                | Help.                                        
  239. MQWK12C.ZIP     53822  02-19-94  MicroQWK 1.2:  Offline Mail Reader.          
  240. MRDUP15.ZIP     20064  02-25-94  Mr. Dup 1.5:  Searches through Tagline       
  241.                                | Files and removes all Duplicates.  Will      
  242.                                | see similar taglines even with different     
  243.                                | punctuation!                                 
  244. MYCMM215.ZIP   138812  02-04-94  MyComm 2.15:  Small communications           
  245.                                | program.                                     
  246. NUPOPDOC.ZIP   205441  02-17-94  RTF format Interim NUPop 2.0.2 docs.         
  247. NUPOPPCL.ZIP   321070  02-07-94  HP PCL5 format Interim NUPop 2.0.2           
  248.                                | docs.                                        
  249. NUPOPPRO.ZIP   267545  02-26-94  NUPOP 2.00.  Protected Mode internet         
  250.                                | POP MAIL.                                    
  251. NUPOPREA.ZIP   251678  02-18-94  NUPop 2.02.  Real Mode POP Mailer.           
  252. NUPOPSUP.ZIP   315545  03-25-94  NUPop 2.02.  POP Mailer Support files.       
  253. ODY200SH.ZIP   375227  02-12-94  Odyssey 2.00:  Communications package.       
  254.                                | Background Transfers, Powerful Script        
  255.                                | Language, Built-In Protocols, INT14 And      
  256.                                | NASI Support, Terminal Emulations.           
  257. ODY200US.ZIP   375866  03-11-94  Odyssey 2.00:  U.S. Comms Package and        
  258.                                | more!  New version of communications         
  259.                                | package with background transfers,           
  260.                                | powerful scripting language, built-in        
  261.                                | protocols, INT14 and NASI support,           
  262.                                | terminal emulations, and more.               
  263.                                | Registered version includes a Remote         
  264.                                | Control and a Fax Send/Receive modules.      
  265. OPPL22.ZIP     167402  03-16-94  OWL Portfolio Price Loader 2.2.  Auto-       
  266.                                | matically updates OWL Personal Portfolio     
  267.                                | Manager (OPPM) prices with downloaded        
  268.                                | quotes from Compuserve (CIM Quotes &         
  269.                                | weekly quotes), Prodigy, Dow Jones News      
  270.                                | Retrieval (CQ, CQE & HQ databases),          
  271.                                | GEnie and FarPoint BBS.  Requires:  OPPM     
  272.                                | Version 4 or above.                          
  273. PBNET1.ZIP      15169  03-19-94  Pen and Brush Net for Writers & Artists:     
  274.                                | P&BNet is a fast-growing network for         
  275.                                | writers and artists.  We feature direct      
  276.                                | feeds from publishers and news items         
  277.                                | from galleries.  We are using .QWK/FIDO/     
  278.                                | Postlink to satisfy all network parti-       
  279.                                | cipation requirements.                       
  280. PCPDIR01.ZIP    14514  02-14-94  Edit Procomm Plus 1.x dialing                
  281.                                | directory, insert/delete/sort/               
  282.                                | exportascii/merge/search/remove blanks,      
  283.                                | with bug fix doc to original 1990            
  284.                                | (PCPDIR.ZIP).                                
  285. PDE20.ZIP      108937  03-07-94  PDE 2.0  Dialing directory editor for        
  286.                                | Procomm Plus 2.x dialing directories.        
  287.                                | PDE allows the user to easily create new     
  288.                                | dialing directories and to edit, insert,     
  289.                                | delete, move, or sort individual             
  290.                                | directory entries.  Multiple entries can     
  291.                                | be tagged to be operated on with a           
  292.                                | single command.  Context-sensitive help.     
  293. PGR21FDS.ZIP    82849  02-07-94  Page Plus 2.10.  Fifth Dimension Soft.       
  294.                                | Along with Dial Plus 1.00 FD Soft.           
  295.                                | Paging program that allows you to page       
  296.                                | some one right from your PC.  Features       
  297.                                | include help window and fast paging.         
  298.                                | Now with Dialing Directory included.         
  299.                                | Very quick and easy to use.  Command         
  300.                                | line operation.  Log of previous pages.      
  301.                                | New version adds comport selection COM       
  302.                                | 1-4.                                         
  303. PHONEM20.ZIP    33621  02-01-94  PHONEMONICS 2.0.  Converts phone numbers     
  304.                                | into 'phonemonics', or mnemonic devices      
  305.                                | that allow them to be easily remembered.     
  306.                                | For example, if your phone number is         
  307.                                | 642-3489, you can tell people to dial        
  308.                                | NICEGUY!  This helps people remember it      
  309.                                | more easily.  PHONEMONICS allows             
  310.                                | conversion both ways, from numbers to        
  311.                                | mnemonics and vice-versa.                    
  312. PICKUP14.ZIP    25512  03-16-94  Pick-Up 1.4:  File Manager/uploader/         
  313.                                | shell for the Telix communications           
  314.                                | program.                                     
  315. QMPD0294.ZIP     9298  02-02-94  Qmodem Pro Modem Definition File.            
  316. QMP_PDF.ZIP      9688  02-23-94  QMPRO.PDF:  November version of Qmodem       
  317.                                | Pro's modem definition file.  Includes       
  318.                                | initialization string added for US           
  319.                                | Robotics Courier 32 Bis Fax modem with       
  320.                                | Turbo.  String listed as USR 21600           
  321.                                | HST/DS FAX.                                  
  322. QMWSOFTI.ZIP     4169  03-20-94  BBS Software icons for Qmodem Pro for        
  323.                                | Windows.                                     
  324. QREAD32.ZIP    156933  03-18-94  QReader 3.2:  Powerful On-Line text          
  325.                                | reader for publications, tutorials, and      
  326.                                | reports.  Scroll text with PgDn, PgUp,       
  327.                                | Home and End.  Scroll left & right for       
  328.                                | text over 80 chars.  Full featured Find      
  329.                                | & Repeat find facility displays entire       
  330.                                | page around the found text.  Download        
  331.                                | capability.  Highly configurable.            
  332.                                | DESQview, FOSSIL & non-standard COM          
  333.                                | support.                                     
  334. QWKBASE.ZIP     25662  02-05-94  QWKBase 1.0:  Add on product that turns      
  335.                                | your "one packet at time" offline mail       
  336.                                | reader into a database reader.  Quick        
  337.                                | and easy set up.  Just replace PKUNZIP       
  338.                                | with SWAP:  QWKBASE in the packers menu      
  339.                                | of SLMR and OLX.  Req:  SLMR/OLX.            
  340. QWKTXT46.ZIP    24284  03-11-94  QWK - TXT file converter.  Determines        
  341.                                | file archival method automatically.          
  342.                                | Handles ARC, ARJ, LHA, LHARC, ZIP, & ZOO     
  343.                                | with the appropriate external program.       
  344. QWSAMPLE.ZIP     4515  02-10-94  QmodemPro for Windows Sample Scripts.        
  345. RFDML112.ZIP   410703  02-18-94  RFD Mail terminal/mail reader & editor       
  346.                                | for GEnie, MCI, Compuserve, etc.             
  347. RIPEM_.ZIP     249800  02-18-94  RIPEM:  E-mail Encryption Program.           
  348. SLICK65.ZIP    253342  03-18-94  SLICK TERMINAL 6.5.  Easy to setup for       
  349.                                | beginners, yet has all the power and         
  350.                                | features sought by advanced users. SLICK     
  351.                                | runs on any IBM/Clone using PC/MS-DOS        
  352.                                | version 3.3 or later.  It has a GIF          
  353.                                | viewer built in, including new Script        
  354.                                | capability, encryption security, ANSI        
  355.                                | BBS music detection with internal ANSI       
  356.                                | emulator, auto atomic clock timeset          
  357.                                | function, PLUS much much more.               
  358. SVGA113F.ZIP   427268  03-26-94  AIR WARRIOR Upgrade to vF.  Allows           
  359.                                | offline bombing and gunners positions on     
  360.                                | the bombers.  Like tail gunner.              
  361.                                | Digitized stereo and improved comms for      
  362.                                | Stability.                                   
  363. SVGASND.ZIP    644088  03-05-94  AIR WARRIOR Sound file upgrade.              
  364.                                | Digitized Stereo and support for many        
  365.                                | cards.                                       
  366. TADEMO.ZIP       7951  03-09-94  Qmodem script to play Tele-Arena for         
  367.                                | you on the MAJOR BBS systems while you       
  368.                                | chat or do other tasks!  GREAT, check it     
  369.                                | out!                                         
  370. TAGD083.ZIP     61194  02-26-94  TagDude 0.83:  Taglines for those of us      
  371.                                | using Fido and Squish-style mail             
  372.                                | editors!  Tagdude will import your           
  373.                                | taglines into its database, and allow        
  374.                                | you to choose them randomly, search for      
  375.                                | specific text, or just browse the            
  376.                                | database.                                    
  377. TAP542.ZIP     178917  02-05-94  TAPCIS 5.42:  Program to simplify using      
  378.                                | CompuServe.                                  
  379. TEL2307B.ZIP   717475  02-09-94  NCSA Telnet program for DOS:  Works          
  380.                                | well under OS/2 as well, use with NIC        
  381.                                | drivers such as NE2000 to provide FTP,       
  382.                                | Telnet, etc.                                 
  383. TERM120.ZIP    874284  03-25-94  TERMINATE 1.20:  Communications              
  384.                                | Program.                                     
  385. TLX322_R.ZIP   534741  02-02-94  Patch file for REGISTERED versions of        
  386.                                | Telix to take versions 3.11 or later to      
  387.                                | version 3.22. This patch is free and is      
  388.                                | direct from deltaComm. It will not work      
  389.                                | on unregistered copies. This patch file      
  390.                                | replaces the files named TLX32?-U.ZIP.       
  391.                                | Please read the complete documentation       
  392.                                | contained within in PATCH.DOC. These         
  393.                                | instructions cover most any problem          
  394.                                | encountered when applying this patch.        
  395. TLX322_U.ZIP   117280  02-10-94  Patch file for REGISTERED users of           
  396.                                | Telix 3.21:  Updates to 3.22.                
  397. TPC12.ZIP      114246  02-12-94  The Phone Center 1.2!  The first dialer      
  398.                                | program that is fun to use.  Includes        
  399.                                | Directory Printer, DOS Shell, Quick Memo     
  400.                                | Entry, Calculator, Calendar, Sliding         
  401.                                | Windows, Entry Finder, Area Code Search,     
  402.                                | Time Zone Search, Even a Hangman Game!       
  403.                                | Nice!  Mono/CGA/EGA/VGA.                     
  404. TSIN_11.ZIP     56664  02-14-94  Updated Install program for TeleShoppe       
  405.                                | 2.10.  This Install corrects the problem     
  406.                                | of not creating the necessary sub-           
  407.                                | directories if TSHOP dir was already         
  408.                                | created.                                     
  409. TWH75.ZIP      270015  03-14-94  Trade Wars Helper 7.5  A terminal            
  410.                                | program used ONLINE with the BBS door        
  411.                                | game "Trade Wars 2002".  It maintains a      
  412.                                | database of sectors with the known port      
  413.                                | and warp to information.  Several            
  414.                                | commands are available to utilize this       
  415.                                | data in addition to commands that            
  416.                                | automate repetitive processes and map        
  417.                                | the TW universe GRAPHICALLY.  Don't          
  418.                                | leave FedSpace without it!                   
  419. TWHELP71.ZIP   268917  02-08-94  Trade Wars Helper release 7.1 is a           
  420.                                | terminal program used ONLINE with the        
  421.                                | BBS door game "Trade Wars 2002".  It         
  422.                                | maintains a database of sectors with the     
  423.                                | known port and warp to information.          
  424.                                | Several commands are available to            
  425.                                | utilize this data in addition to             
  426.                                | commands that automate repetitive            
  427.                                | processes and map the TW universe            
  428.                                | GRAPHICALLY.                                 
  429. TWHLU75.ZIP    167506  03-05-94  TWHELP Large Universe 7.5.                   
  430. TWTERM14.ZIP   164034  03-21-94  3-D EGA Terminal program for Trade Wars      
  431.                                | 1.03d/v1.03.  Graphics, sound effects,       
  432.                                | and animation.  Includes, Level-Diagram      
  433.                                | mapping, Locate Stardock, all basic term     
  434.                                | features.                                    
  435. UNIQWK30.ZIP   218698  02-12-94  UNIQWK 3.0 Windows QWK Off-line mail         
  436.                                | reader.                                      
  437. USERDOCS.ZIP    90316  02-05-94  NUPop 2.02; User written documentation.      
  438. UU21.ZIP        17950  02-02-94  UU- Fast UUDecoder for DOS- decode files     
  439.                                | posted as messages on USENET/ Internet.      
  440.                                | Any file size/number of sections per         
  441.                                | file!                                        
  442. WMOD0112.ZIP    28930  02-21-94  WMODEMS.DAT 01/12/94 for ProComm Plus        
  443.                                | Windows.                                     
  444. WMOD1222.ZIP    28237  03-16-94  WMODEMS.DAT 12/22/93 for ProComm Plus        
  445.                                | Windows.                                     
  446. YARN_055.ZIP   172565  02-25-94  YARN 55:  SOUP-compatible offline            
  447.                                | reader with database.                        
  448. YMOD15_4.ZIP    68153  02-12-94  Ymodem 14.02: full function stand alone      
  449.                                | true Ymodem Batch and Ymodem-G protocol      
  450.                                | driver; fully DSZ compatibable and           
  451.                                | supports 8259 interrupt management, and      
  452.                                | a wide range of intelligent & non-           
  453.                                | intelligent serial cards (also supports      
  454.                                | Fossil and has an internal driver);          
  455.                                | International TeleCommunications.            
  456. ZMOD19_4.ZIP    71330  02-19-94  A full function stand alone Zmodem           
  457.                                | protocol driver. Zmodem.EXE offers           
  458.                                | exceptional fast Zmodem file transfers       
  459.                                | and it fully supports ZSKIP, Resume          
  460.                                | interrupted Transfers, 32 and 16 bit CRC     
  461.                                | error detection, 8259 interrupt manage-      
  462.                                | ment, and a wide range of intelligent        
  463.                                | and non-intelligent serial cards (also       
  464.                                | support Fossil and has an internal           
  465.                                | driver).                                     